Wednesday, July 30, 2008

qotd and more!

July 30th (from
Carlisle: "I've seen vampire venom work miracles, but there are conditions that even venom cannot overcome."

WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? Bella may have gotten hurt and now is the time for Edward to save her but *GASP* she might not make it! That's a bit too much of a spoiler though. Perhaps Carlisle is referring to somebody besides Bella?

Here's a really cool vid of the Twilight stars. Cam says he knew about the books before because his girlfriend read them! That's so cute!
And here's a the NEW extended fight scene shown at Comic-Con! (thanks Chelsie)

HOT TOPIC has a new Twilight shirt! Buy fast or they'll seel out!


Anonymous said...

could mean that he's not just referring to physical harm too ^^
maybe there are other obstacles...

Anonymous said...

yah thats true... I hope that isnt referring to Bella...It would ruin it for me

Stacie said...

oh god yeah lol that would be seriously horrible, man the quotes they keep giving us really make us think like crazy!!

that shirt is really sweet too but i like the other one better actually

Anonymous said...

im not gona think abt the quotes too much no matter how fun it is to guess but i dont wanna be dipressed if the thing i wanted to happen didnt happen in the book...

the shirts r awesome.... while buying BD ill go ahead to Hot Topic to buy a Death Note shirt and a Twilight shirt..

Anonymous said...

it's funny how the quotes get more and more serious as we get closer to the release of BD.
at the beginning some of them were funny and stuff.
and now they're.. more intense.

Anonymous said...

I BOUGHT my shirt yesterday!!!!!!!! Yay and the store doesn't seem to have them yet so GOOD LUCK!!! To finding one

Anonymous said...

You need a "Pure adrenaline" thing on your poll. I don't do coffee or energy drinks when I pull book all-nighters. I just do it on the sheer thrill and energy of the book. I'm sure that I'm not the only one that gets so caught up they just can't stop. Plus HELLO adrenaline is totally a Twilight thing now! lol

I really hope Bella doesn't die. It sounds like someone gets badly injured and someone else wants to change them to heal them like Jacob did with the wolf-ness. Maybe their spine gets severed or their head chopped off or they lose an equally important limb. Who knows.

Ariana said...

Eh, I kinda hope Bella gets hurt. Just a little bit. Call me cruel but marrying Edward has GOT to have some kinda unforeseen consequence. And I agree with Amanda b/c she's right! haha Also... did anyone else submit a question for SM's interview on Good Morning America?
This was mine:
"What are you hopes for Twilighters after they read the last installment of the series?"

Anonymous said...

OMG that sounds awesome YEA FOR SOME1 HAVING HEAD CHOPPED OFF in the book!!!! *crosses fingers*