Sunday, August 10, 2008


Okay well thats not really the point of this since I dont like cake either... BUT
my friend Norah went to the only screening of his movie How to Be at the Rhode Island film festival which i almost went to but had to babysit :( i am still angry.
ANYWAYS they talked to him on speaker phone and norah asked him what his fave color is... brown btw and she told him how we got him a cake and ate it (i didnt- i just looked and stared at his beatiful crooked smile pic we took to put on the cake) on his birthday and he said he didnt like cake. ANWYAYS here is a youtube vid of the whole Q&A session of him on speaker phone awnswering questions (not really related to twilight but he is... sort of) WHATEVER I AM SOO JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

OMFG!! ROBPATZ DOESNT LIKE CAKE!?!?! o(○_○)o {...) rpatz loses a point... taylor gains a point.. XD wen rpatz loses a point the point goes to taylor.. i luv cake thats y... ppl here better not be cake haters... -_-

Anonymous said...

just kidding yo! i wont hate u guys for not liking cake! u guys r still awesome!

Anonymous said...

I don't like the STORE where my mother buys the cakes DOES THAT COUNT??? They make them all gross with tons of fruit and frosting YUCK....I STILL LOVE U SPUNK!!!!!!! Wat about ice cream cake??? he CAN'T hate ice cream cake some1 should ask him about ice cream cake LOL:-D