Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Stephen King is FEISTY

and apparently doesn't think Stephenie Meyer can write. 
Opinions are respected and I just think Stephen King writes for a very different audience than Stephenie Meyer does. Twilight is a "thriller" but Stephen King's book are hardcore horror. The man's brilliant but there is definitely a slightly screwed up brain behind his works.
I'm pretty sure he worships JKR like all reasonable people should, so he's ok in my book.
But I don't understand what he's trying to say about teenage girls. Seeing as he's never been one, I don't think he should stereotype and judge. 

Thanks for the tip Stacie :)


Bite Me: A Twilight Podcast said...

Eh. i really dont think she can write classic novels. she is writing a teen novel, which has basically just a plot- no dealing with symbolism or anything-- which is partly why i like these books. you can disagree, but thats what i think.

\p.s. sign your NAME!!!


Bite Me: A Twilight Podcast said...

ok ok!

you have a good point about the no symbolism thing. theyre enjoyable books but they have very little depth.


Bite Me: A Twilight Podcast said...

THANKS NYNY! hahaha i really don't think there is any depth at all. at least intentional depth; i think everyone likes it because it relates to real life because who looks for symbolism in their own life?


Bite Me: A Twilight Podcast said...

Also: why am i not allowed to change the quote of the day??

and whoah i acutally just read that article and waaahhhaatt??? girls just can't deal with those emotions??? ummm NEWSFLASH!!! boys like these books too!!! aka zach here and according to him many others!!

Anonymous said...

Yea, he can't really compare! Because he's an adult writer wheras stephanie is teen. I personal don't
kings books cause they're just to descripitive :( but any who. I hate when people get big heads and think they can critique anyone!!!!!! Arg!!

Bite Me: A Twilight Podcast said...

actually did you know that i can critique whomever i want? one of the perks of being queen of this site :)

ps. caro, weren't you the one who put that weird tender quote? maybe it was krissy hmm...


Anonymous said...

yeah ure right but if stephan king wants to talk about his love for JK Rowling then he should leave stephanie meyer out of this hes just jealous because stephanies books get more readers then his and i dont think that any of his books have been turned into hit movies the twilight book is probably more exciting to his mom than when he was born.

Anonymous said...

wait stephanies a teen!!?!?!?!???!?!?!??!?!??!?!

Anonymous said...

okay woow this is juts like the other day when sum miley cyrus freak decided to bring her up in the conversation and everyone ended up yelling at eachother.
Now, THAT is the true intrepretaion of this situation. =D


Anonymous said...

total misunderstanding!!!
no.... stephenie meyer WRITES teen novels. XD

Bite Me: A Twilight Podcast said...

if you don't have a legitimate opinion and just feel like bashing everything in sight, then please at least be respectful. how difficult is it to have a civilized discussion?

actually here's a list of king's stories made movies

i'm going to flip out if miley cyrus creeps back into these discussions again...

Anonymous said...

too bad for me. I already flipped.

Anonymous said...

sorry i meant writer!
lol nyera you called me concieted ;)

well Green Mmile was a huge hit, which was from him. His movies did for the most part good!

mylie cyrus is- lol jp ;)

Anonymous said...

zach what's jp supposed to mean?

Anonymous said...

Lol sorry it means just playing! ;)
I didn't want the nyera to get mad lol

Anonymous said...

oooh u guys are SO funny

Anonymous said...

He really does write for a different kind of audience. I do respect his opinion and, sorry to say, I can see where he's coming from. That said, I think that her stories are good and I enjoy them but she's not the next Shakespeare. And that takes a true fan. Not just blindly following along and accepting everything and anything as genius. I'll have to go read the story but I've disagreed with his writing and Stephenie's at points DESPITE the fact I still enjoy their stories.

Stacie said...

yeah i mean i don't think that it was very fair of him to go and bash her and say that she can't write. They write for two completely different groups and he should just keep his mouth shut. Especially because he is older and he should be more mature than that. But seriously though i don't think he should have said that when there really wasn't a reason for it. But he has his own opinions and we all know we love Steph :)

Anonymous said...

Well the comments on this is huge. But i think u really cant compare Meyer and King. Honestly they write to a very different audience and everybody has their own opinion on it.
i personally think that if a was to read any of King's books i would die within the first page b/c of wat zack said: they r just wayyyy to descriptive.