Saturday, February 28, 2009

Paul Weitz to direct Eclipse!

Paul is the brother of New Moon director Chris Weitz. I believe this will be his first time directing but he's got a bunch of producing under his belt. Most notably, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist and In Good Company (which happens to be one of the best movies on the planet).

PS. game's still going on in the post below.


Anonymous said...

OMG I just read that as "Pete Wentz to direct Eclipse!" Some how the real news is just less impressive!

Bite Me: A Twilight Podcast said...

that would be one awesome/screwed up movie haha.

Anonymous said...

Ahah it would definately be an interesting movie.

Anonymous said...

Interesting for sure although I'm sure it'd be a "That movie sure was 'interesting' but I really would like my money back" sort of interesting.

Stacie said...

haha i thought that too lola!

that's cool though cause then i guess chris could always help him too