Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Moon Casting Announcement!

Bronson Pelletier has been cast a "major role" in New Moon! Here is the article and his IMDB.
He's 19 and a virtual unknown. Not for much longer...

Any thoughts on who he would be playing? A Quileute perhaps? There is some talk that he will be co-starring with Dakota Fanning. Does that mean she's confirmed?


Anonymous said...

mmm, he looks a but funny.
i think that he'll probably be someone from the reservation.
on of the pack perhaps?
i haven't seen him in anything so i can't judge him right now..
but you're totally right about him not being famous for long

Bite Me: A Twilight Podcast said...

could he be alec??? whatt theee?? his face?

hahaha eriinnn a butt funnnyyy. i aggree though.


Anonymous said...

hmm... maybe he's cast as Quil? thats a semi big part right? and if dakota was confirmed wouldnt him being in the movie make him her costar. he doesnt have to be part of the volturi... right? I'm thinking Quil.

Anonymous said...

Erin, I do agree. He does look a bit funny.
But I definately think he'll be one of the Quileutes.

Anonymous said...

bit!! my bad!

haha, a but funny.....

Anonymous said...

hmmm he does look sorta odd
but i dont think he'll be alex, he doesnt look intimidating enough (:

maybe quil or embry?
i hope embry

i always imagined quil hot xD

Stacie said...

wait i dont know if i just can't see it or not but which one is he?

Stacie said...

oh okay i saw him!! wooo he kind of looks like he would be in the wolf pack, i am glad that they cast an unknown though better than someone who is well known.

i like the looks of him :)