Friday, February 6, 2009

leonardo dicaprio > edward cullen :P

Twilight is officially the 100th most grossing film in the all time box office.

VIVA LA TITANIC! Other movies on the list are the spidermans, harry potters, lord of the rings, multiple disney movies, pirates of the carribean, star wars and other classics (Mrs. Doubtfire!)

Any movies you're surprised to see on the list? Wedding Crashers confused me. As did Goldmember. 

I didn't think Twilight was epic enough to be on the list but then I remebered that this list is based on money. 


Bite Me: A Twilight Podcast said...

Kung fu panda?? How?

Stacie said...

hahhaa umm yeah seriously kung fu panda! i mean come on now!!!!

but that is really sweet that it got on there!! WOOO twilight power!

Anonymous said...

Who knew we Twilighters had to much power?
lets hope New Moon makes the list too... but that might be hoping for too much...

Anonymous said...

If they make a great job at New Moon (which they probably will , twilight got them a nice bit of rep./cash) the New Moon will blow away twilight by a long shot. Though that is just what I think ;)

Anonymous said...

ok i dont care if new moon gets on the list ..i just want it to be good becuase Twilight wasnt all that great, if you compare it to other movies...
then again thats my opinion.
but i DO hope it gets a good review :)