Saturday, January 31, 2009


believe or not guys are deeper than you believe. Its really a common misconception that "guys don't like twilight" Of course it will never be as popular as it still is for girls but its more common. I'm not saying that 5 guys out of 15 like twilight, but more of that we are afraid to admit it, so it could be. We are afraid to admit because of 2 main reasons, twilight is a "love story" and we face being called gay by other classmates. I am reporting that i have been called gay because of this. Guys are very machismo, really tough whereas anything pertaining to love is girily. So we call the followers gay! So when Nyera said she didn't know many guys who liked twilight, i wasn't surprised. But anyways i have a challenge for the ladies, ask atleast 5 of your guy friends, (that haven't allready admitted it) but make sure your in a safe environment, and you will be sure be surprised, or you get your money back :) So ladies there is are quite a few guys still living "in the dark."

Zach the house elf!!


Anonymous said...

that was really interesting!
i know a few guys who like twilight, and i have to admit, i've never heard anyone call them gay because they read it.
i'm sorry that people called you gay though, that's uncalled for.
oh, and i'm totally up for you challenge. it'll give me something to do today :P

haha, machismo, lol.
that was awesome.
and i know lots of guys like that. tryin to tough it out.
silly boys ;p

Bite Me: A Twilight Podcast said...

i like the title haha. ladies.

correction: i don't know many guys to begin with. i guess i just failed the challenge! nooo.
but in all seriousness, i think its inspiring that you're comfortable with yourself.

good work! *round of applause*

ps. machismo is my word of the day:)

Anonymous said...

lol, finally I'm not the only guy around here :P
welcome to the podcast dude,
and really... you don't know how often I've been called gay for reading twilight, on the other hand chicks seem to dig it :P

soccer_vampire said...

well most of my friends are guys and well almsot all of them like twilight or are obbsessed like me. and most of them are widley known twilight fans so i really dont know. your prolly right i'm just good at getting things out of my friends lol. but thanks for admitting to that and i wouldn't think you or any other guy thats likes twilight are gay. your cool cause you admitt it!!!=)

Anonymous said...

its nice to hear some male opinions for once (:

i know for a fact that one of my guy friends likes twilight (his mum told me)

but he refuses to even talk about it, just says he likes blood.

he really needs to stop trying to be tough, girls like sweet guys better anyway XD

thanks, house elf.

Anonymous said...

my boyfriend luvs twilight becuz hes just like edward and he says im just like bella accept alot hotter

Anonymous said...

hahaha more like living in the dark of the closet. jk thats great.

Bite Me: A Twilight Podcast said...

hahahaha what guy friends??? have none. if i knew a boy i would ask him. but like nyny i just failed the challenge

Anonymous said...

im a guy and i love these books cuz they helped me learn to treat my woman right. These books are awesome

Anonymous said...

hmm i dont think edward treats bella right. but bella likes it so whatever.

Anonymous said...

not tru. edward treats bella like the princess she is which is exactly how my boyfriend treats me. u obviously dont know what tru love is

Anonymous said...

thank you for the personal attack. its much appriciated.

i just think edward is borderline abusive. he's obviously a gentleman but i think he's overproctive.

Sapphire said...

edward only protects bella becuz he luvs her and boyrfriends should protect there girlfriends. thats how relationships work. my boyfriend protects me especially becuz im clumsy and a little ditzy and hes strong and really hot.

RCWLTTA said...

"sapphire topaz love" you are a giant tool

Bite Me: A Twilight Podcast said...

Nyera, I know what next topic is, OVERRATED edward :)


Anonymous said...

sounds gooood to me :)
but i'll just let you know now that there will be EPIC comment wars on that post haha.

but for what its worth, i think he's overrated too

Bite Me: A Twilight Podcast said...

Yay for epic comments!!!
Who doesn't like a little fun ;)


Anonymous said...

the question is who makes epic comments when you can make EPIC STATEMENTS.

Anonymous said...

My name is Andrew and I am obsessed with twilight , proof is my steamID page (check out the desktop theme too , it's twilight :P) , and I must say...I am the only guy in my collage who likes twilight...And I am pretty screw because of it =/