Tuesday, September 2, 2008

(sophmore year is smelly)

Twilight Tuesday brings you an interview with Catherine here. This is the original blog post.

Midnight Sun playlist. Stephenie releasing this is making me less sure that she's going to publish it someday :(



Anonymous said...

FIRETRUCK THAT!!! we should make a petition 4 her to finish writing MS and publish it... more than millions wants to start reading it and want to finish it [since a lot of ppl alreadi started too..]

Anonymous said...

Did you just say firetruck as a was to say F-iretr-UCK because that makes me giggle. Like REALLY!

In other news while I think your idea is well meaning I think that what we have to do right now more then ever is support Stephenie's decisions. Yes I thinks she over reacted and will probably take them back but bitching a griping over them will make her more upset not less.

Let's use your petition to SUPPORT her instead. Make a petition that says we back her up with whatever she chooses to do rather then upsetting her by forcing her to do something she's not ready to. I'm sure her trust is destroyed and she doesn't need any hate.

This and the BD bashing must be killing her!

Anonymous said...

yea all u said right now is true.... but i said those things cuz i was pissed and ya know we ppl these days say stupid things... =D

Anonymous said...

I would really like to start some kind of Support Stephenie group some where but I've got no talent what so ever in websiting or even getting people on my side of a cause. I swear I could be all, "let's save the world" and everyone else would be, "let's blow it up."

If anyone has any talents in that sort of thing I would love to help out. I might just go and create a livejournal community. I'm so disappointed that there is no guest book or forums on SM.com. If there were we could post comments to her and discuss what's happening right no the site. Does anyone know if Seth would eat me if I mailed him the idea?

Anonymous said...

Seth might hate him. but start by finding i dunno something wrong with the site.. and if u cant whats the worse he can do ask you not to sed him fanmail... its really not fanmail. as adding a message board could be an addition to the site.

Anonymous said...

What if I make what's wring with the site that there is no message board? I've been wondering if suggestions count. I mean it sounds like he gets emails from people about the backgrounds and such and that's technically a suggestion...

Does it count?