Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Look what I found on the Lexicon. Ok I'm saddened that we didn't get this email but we will do our best to prevent book spoilage. I do not think its reasonable to shut down message boards 3 weeks before the book comes out because we're still talking about theories. The forums are completely safe of BD leaks and will remain that way until the book is actually released. Now for comments, I'm going to change the setting so that you can no longer use anonymous. Your name and if possible URL would be appreciated when commenting. I'll be watching all the comments for any leakage. As a site, Bite Me will not be posting any spoilers because (1) I wouldn't know where to find them (2) I myself don't want to be spoiled and (3) I take no pleasure in spoiling the book for you. Well, maybe a little. (jk) And if you email me spoilers and I unexpectedly get spoiled then I will bury myself in a hole and come out on August 1st.

EDIT: SM just posted an announcement on her site

Larry interviewed the vamp rock band The Bella Cullen Project. Vamp rock sounds so goofy. The Remus Lupins own all.



Anonymous said...

you sound goofy. ahahahah
will find Gaspard when i go to france. will not come back without him ;)

Anonymous said...

i dont like their songs but the concept of the band is cool the name 2...:-D

Stacie said...

awww stephenies message was so cute!!! i really hope that it doesn't get leaked or spoiled for anyone that would be so bad.

and i thought that twilight tuesday today was a little lame. i was sadly disappointed, that band is really unique though.

soccer_vampire said...

the band was interesting but really but we need to know more details about when the movie will come out and all that...and i reeally don't want it spoiled either :)=)

Ariana said...

I don't care about spoilers! I'm still gonna read BD. I suppose it is smart though to take that extra precaution. As for Twilight Tuesday's THE BELLA CULLEN PROJECT, I strangely liked them. The concept was fresh and the sound wasn't all that bad either. The music video however, "Out of the Blue", that was kinda lame. The shots and the camera angles made the song bad and it really wasn't.